Slayed Exclusive



Hair loss during and after cancer treatment may greatly impact mental health and everyday living. Slayed Exclusive, with over 15-years of experience provides medically necessary cranial hair prosthesis. Our private, stress-free consultation creates a safe environment during this challenging time.

Does insurance cover wigs for patients undergoing cancer treatment?

Depending on the provider and details found in the evidence of coverage (also known as summary of benefits) there may be medical coverage or reimbursement available.

Although there are many cancer centers and non-profit resources that provides wigs at no cost, sadly many are loaned not yours to keep, outdated, un-natural and short lived due to quality of materials thus exasperating the effort to find a comforting hair-loss solution.
Although wigs are not typically covered by original Medicare (Part A and Part B), there are some Medicare advantage plans and private insurers that consider wigs as medically necessary.

For patients with a Medicare advantage or private insurance plan, if covered, a wig may require prior authorization or prior approval before coverage. You may be required to cover a portion of the cost.
If a plan denies the claim, the provider's appeal process may successfully reimburse the purchase. This could include a medical review process with photo documentation.

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